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Peptide Therapy

Peptides Are Short Chain Amino Acids Which Are The Building Blocks Of Proteins

Peptides are short chain amino acids which are the building blocks of proteins. Peptides are safe and are naturally occurring in the body.

Peptide growth hormones are different from human growth hormones in that they act on the membrane receptor of your cell and give a more specific response vs hormones act on hormone receptors on a macro level.

Common uses of peptides include:

Weight Loss

Performance Enhancement

Decreased Recovery Times

Enhanced Healing Time


Improves Skin Quality

Improves Cognition

Improves Insulin Sensitivity

Improves Libido

Improves subjective sense of wellbeing

There Are A Wide Array Of Peptides However RH Clinic Will Be Prescribing The Following List Of Peptides:

Promotes cognitive and sensory function, gluconeogenesis in the liver, lipogenesis in adipose tissue, insulin secretion in the pancreas, and insulin sensitivity in muscle. NAD+ also promotes endothelial cell proliferation and protects against cardio- and cerebrovascular disease. NAD regulates immune function and inflammation and protects against acute injury in the kidney. NAD promotes and extends fertility in both males and females, ostensibly by activation of sirtuins.

Reduces body fat, regulates fat metabolism, Stimulates Lipolysis (killing fat cell), Inhibits Lipogenesis (stops fat from forming), Triggers fat release

Effects on muscle metabolism, insulin sensitivity, and weight regulation, and enhances glucose metabolism, must take with oral B complex daily

Increased cells in healing, improves cell migration to the cite of the injury, Soft tissue repair – tendon, ligament, muscle sports, and athletic injuries, Reduces scar tissue, Significant repair and regenerative properties, Enlarged muscle growth, muscle tone, and muscular stamina.

Stroke, Transient ischemic attack, Cognitive disorders, ADHD/Learning, Memory, Positive mood enhancement, Reducing anxiety

Neuropsychotropic, Antidepressant, Anti-stress, Positively influences memory and learning process, Enhance GABA, Opioid and Alcohol withdrawal

Increases muscle mass & strength, Boosts energy levels, rejuvenates your skin, Improves performance.

Decreased body fat, improve sleep quality, increase cognitive function, quicker recovery times post injury, improves skin elasticity (helps reduce wrinkles), enhanced libido and sexual performance, increased muscle mass, quickened weight loss

Tendon healing, decrease pain, increase collagen synthesis, Quicker recovery times post-injury, Wound and bone healing, decrease in inflammation, Intestinal issues, Protects the heart, Reverse opioid tolerance, Enhance GABA neurotransmission

Increase sexual frequency, Boost sex drive, Treatment for men and women with hypoactive sexual desire disorder, raise sexual desire, Increase female sexual function index total score and female sexual distress scale-desire/arousal/orgasm total score

Increase IGF-1 Levels in as little as two weeks, longer REM sleep and shorter sleep latency, increase fat-free muscle mass, decrease body fat percentage, Stronger bones, Improved endurance, increase nitrogen levels in the body, Reversal of nitrogen wasting

Boosts testosterone among men & women, prevents postpartum depression, regulates menstrual cycles among women, Increases libido and sexual wellness

We Also Offer Testosterone Management Including Lab Level And Injections.

We Require Certain Labs Prior To The Start Of Peptide Therapy

We require certain labs prior to the start of peptide therapy. This is mandatory and all labs must be within 3 months of the start of peptide therapy. Labs are important because it gives us a baseline insight to what is going on inside the body already and to see if you are a good candidate for peptide therapy. We do offer labs here at the clinic however, you are welcome to get your labs drawn outside the clinic and sent to us via email or fax. Labs will be drawn every 3-4 months at the beginning of therapy and then every 6 months thereafter. Here is the list of labs that are due prior to peptide therapy:

  • CBC
  • TMP
  • TSH
  • T4
  • IGFI
  • Hgb A1c (taken every 3 months)
  • C-Peptide
  • Prolactin (taken every 3 months)

We do take some insurances

You can check with your insurance company to see if your labs will be covered.

If you need to email or fax your lab results, please send them to:
Fax number: 877-600-9733

For more information on pricing and to book your appointment please call 219-515-2667 ext 3 or go to our website